Glossary: words words words ~Hamlet (1.2.192)

CCD:  “Charge coupled device”. A type of photographic sensor, not universal. It is, for the purposes of photogrammetry, equivalent to any other sensor type.

PMVS: “Patch-Based Multi-View Stereo”.  Calculates the geometry and location of vertices from matched features and camera EXIF data to produce a dense point cloud.

PMVS2: A new version of PMVS.

CMVS: “Clustering Multi-View Stereo”. A variation on PMVS that runs on multiple, smaller sets of features (“clusters”) to reduce memory usage. Multiple, fragmentary point clouds are produced to prevent crashing your computer. These point clouds add up to the same product as a PMVS output of the same images.

Point cloud: A rough 3D projection based on the calculated geometry of vertices.

Vertice: A point with colour and relative location data. Many vertices make up a point cloud.

Edge: The ‘lines’ connecting any two vertices -like connect the dots!

Face: the area inside any three or more edges.

Mesh: The form produced by a collection of faces.


Please bear in mind that I’m not a programmer, and these definitions follow what I understand of the concept; my understanding of the concept may not 100% reflect reality. If someone who does understand computers has a better explanation, please, please correct me.

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