Cellphone Lenses: Or, Look – you finally have a use for them!

So, I’ve been having trouble getting a set of points to render (points as in lithics, to clarify)- not enough detail, I suppose. I don’t have a macro lens, but what about a cellphone lens? Now, knowing that an additional lens will mess up the pre-programed focal length, I don’t have high hopes. But I’ve also been wrong on every assumption leading up to this point, so why not?

So I went out and bought the most high end phonography lens kit I could find!


$5. That cost $5. Actual glass optics and everything. Really broke the bank.

Here’s the quality of image the macro got:


Surprisingly good, but a really shallow depth of field*. There’s about 121 of those, but plenty are blurry or almost identical. Also, the lazy Susan was to big to use, so the whole thing was rather painful.

After PPT scaled to 0.5 was done with it, I got this:

Only one side, again, and an absurd number of artifacts, but the texturing of the mesh underneath is pretty good. All the same, not ideal. I think the ID tag is anchoring the whole thing, to be honest.

Tried again without scaling:


For some reason only the opposite face worked, and I’m kind of baffled by that, but whatever, not actually the first time.

Hesitant partial success?

*That’s The Road to El Dorado playing in the background, if anyone cares.

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